I have been excited to start “Tot School” with Kent since I first read about it months ago. If you’re not familiar with it yourself go check out the link for a full explanation. It basically just...
This is a new feature here at MarriedtotheFarm. I hope to make it a series but I’m not going to promise anything because, well, we all know how it goes when I commit to blogging regularly. I thought...
I updated Our Money Story just now. Check it out if you’re new here or have been following our progress. We’re not quite debt free except the mortgage yet but we’re definitely on the right track...
I updated the “Garden” page and hope/plan to do a better job keeping it updated this year. So far I’ve started 3 flats of tomatoes in the house and planted peas in the garden. I’ve copied and pasted...
So last week I asked my dear husband to haul our dishwasher out to the road. He obliged. I’m pretty sure someone took it before the garage men came. It wasn’t broken. Okay, it did have a hiccup...
For reference, and because tomorrow is the last day so if you’re local you might want to order! Access it at tuscolacd.com. Tuscola Conservation District Spring Tree Sale Order: Concord Seedless...
We’ve entered the very last hour of this week so it’s a fine time to tell you about it. This was the best, most successful week I’ve had since Kent was born. I stayed on task and accomplished what I...
I tried two new recipes, both courtesy of Pinterest: Totally Addictive Cornbread from Chocolate-Covered Katie I like the taste. I followed the recipe pretty much exactly except I always add maple...
Here's a simple recipe that comes in really handy when you need something fast and can't stomach the thought of another grilled cheese sandwich. I tend to make really good food accidentally and then...
Found this is my drafts from 10/11/2009. Funny that I could have written it today, except that part about having kids someday! Forgive me but I might get a little sentimental here for a minute I’ve...
Found this is my drafts from 5/5/2009 so almost 3 years ago. New thoughts at the end. I had a different post planned for today but this seems to fit. To put it frankly, I had a less than great...
A review of sorts, for Heaven at Home by Ginger Plowman. Some days I really blow it. Today was one of those days. I was crabby and snappy and really resentful towards Brian. The details really don’t...