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Baking Day 8/1/11

In keeping with my newly expanded routine I spent a lot of yesterday in the kitchen. What I did: 1 batch of Silky Chocolate Pudding 1 batch of Homemade Vanilla Pudding  (She also has an excellent...

Freezer Garlic Bread

Has anyone else noticed that if you make a whole loaf of garlic bread the whole thing gets eaten?  There’s really no reason for 2 adults (in our case) to eat a whole loaf of bread at one meal.  Plus...

Apple Bran Muffin Recipe

These are delicious, and relatively good for you.  They even pass the husband test.  He’s been taking them for breakfast. Muffin Ingredients: 2 cups Raisin Bran (R) cereal (or generic) 2 cups flour*...

Baking Day

This week I’m trying to get back in the swing of things around here.  In another words, the “babymoon” is over and the real world is calling.  Last week I was able to keep up with my cleaning rotation...

Oh Yeah, We Had A Baby

Hehe, forgot to mention that here!  If you’re not on Facebook you may be out of the loop. Introducing Kent Keith Born 7/7/11 @ 9:58AM 6# 3 oz. – 19 inches long In answer to all the popular questions:...

Lamb Doctorin’: Flystrike

Disclaimer:  This is not a pleasant condition to talk about.  I’m sharing it to A)help other shepherds who find themselves dealing with it for the first time and B)to remain transparent to our...

Inventorying My Freezer

Stick with me – I know inventorying your freezer sounds like an OCD thing to do.  I’m not crazy!!  (Well, maybe a little, but not in regard to this!)  We have 4 freezers in our house and a small one...

Frozen Cookie Dough

Brian always harasses me when I make a batch of cookie dough just to nibble on.  He prefers the real cookies – odd, I know!  😉  The dough tends to sit in the fridge for a day or two before I get...

Planting Potatoes

Whew – it takes FOREVER to plant potatoes when you don’t crowd them.  According to my favorite gardening book main crop potatoes should be planted 15″ apart in rows 30″ apart.  I planted 10# of Red...

A Sit Down Project (Literally)

I could have taken advantage of the day without rain to plant my potatoes but I didn’t.  Instead, I finished up a sewing project in the house.  I have my Mom’s rocking chair.  It’s really sturdy and...

Pictures (Basement, Garden, etc.)

It was pretty productive day.  I can only do about half of what I normally do and I’m twice as sore.  I guess the baby isn’t much for weeding! Guess I better do an extra good job with my mulching this...

Part-time Day 1

Well, this is my first week dropping back to part-time at work.  That means today was my first Tuesday at home!  I made myself quite a to-do list to help me stay on task and not kill too many brain...

Freezer Cooking: Browned Ground Beef

If you do it right you can have ground beef already browned and packaged loosely enough that you can scoop out however much you need for any particular recipe.  Here’s how I do it. Ingredients: Fresh...

Freezer Cooking with Ground Beef

I did my freezer cooking day a couple weekends ago.  I had intended to get together with some family to do it but when that didn’t work out I decided to post it all here.  This way anyone who would...

Zucchini Apple Muffins

These are great for getting that last bit of zucchini out of the freezer.  We just happen to have some applesauce that turned out kind of blah so I’m using that up too. Ingredients: 3 eggs 1/2 cup oil...