Fall Festival: Gone to the Dogs

Now it’s your turn! I’d love to hear all about how you and your family amuse yourselves as the seasons change. Do you have special activities that you do with your kids? Are there certain movies that you watch during the fall? Do you have fall crafts, games, books or field trips that you enjoy? […]

Gone To The Dogs

I started working on curtains for the living room last night. I left the fabric all spread out after getting sidetracked with the frost warning. This morning I found this… Which quickly turned in to a belly up “I’m sorry Mom but I’m wagging my tail and I’m cute” pose… I think it is safe […]

Chick City and a Rough Night

Well, Becker Farms is now the proud home of 99 Colored Range chicks! They arrived Friday and I was able to get them home from the post office and settled before going to work. I took the above video that morning. Aren’t they fun to watch! I’m thrilled with how vigorous they are. I didn’t […]

Meet Bear

I’m still in a little bit of an unmotivated mood like I was on Sunday. So here’s my post. Meet Bear, our 125 pound baby. You’ve seen enough pictures of his little blond sister. We call him Eeyore because that is exactly who he acts like. Brian already had Bear when we met. Bear and […]

This is WAR!

I am so sick of dog tracks in my freshly planted garden… of dog poop all over the garden (I thought I’d spare you a picture) when I’m trying to dig in it… and now… now I’m really, REALLY mad. This… is damage to my garlic. My precious, vigorous, first-time-for-me garlic. The same garlic that […]

This is why…

…I’m glad that new dog bed cover only cost me $1. This is also why we needed a new cover in the first place. Once every few months the “puppy”, now 1 1/2 years old, feels the need to destroy something. Bitter apple spray seemed to stop her from chewing up the bed at night. […]

Oreos and Rain

Most of the snow is gone now and it has been raining since sometime last night. Once lunchtime came at work all I could think about was coming home and cuddling up with a book, a movie, 3 dogs, and a cat. Brian is working late tonight as he is on lookout for flooding across […]

Dogs Days of Summer

Since we all miss those nice warm summer days I thought I would share some warm weather pictures. These are some of my all time favorite pictures. I love the teal blue colors of the water and of course I have great memories of all the fun we had that day.

Weird/Bad Dreams

I have really weird, and usually scary, dreams several times a month. Brian says I’m crazy but I blame it on watching too much America’s Most Wanted as a child. Watching CSI in recent years probably doesn’t help either. Last night we went to the snowmobile races. Several of our friends were racing and it […]

Our Winter in Pictures!

I’m away from home at the Michigan Vet Conference this weekend. I want to get a post up but don’t feel like saying a lot so I thought it would be a good time to post some pictures. These are all from the last few months (some are from fall). I’ll take advantage of the […]