County Fair Fun!…

These pictures aren’t the greatest but I wanted to share all the fun things that happened last week at our county fair!

IKEA Tarva Changing Table Top

We’re waiting on baby over here so while we wait we are finishing some projects.  Yesterday, Brian and I added this top to the dresser in the nursery. The dresser is the 3 drawer Tarva from ikea.  It is unfinished pine so it was easy to match pieces from Menard’s for the top…

Budgeting for Children: Learning Materials and Beyond

I’m not sure why but I feel led to write about this right now.  We’ll see if Kent sleep schedule agrees.  😉 In my post about our Montessori Inspired Kitchen Setup I shared some of the products we’ve purchased for Kent to use.  We are on a tight budget around here so it is important […]

The Ewes Have A Date…

Today we took our flock of 7 ewes and ewe lambs to meet their new boyfriends. We split them up over 3 different rams based on who would best compliment each one’s physical features. The stocky, big ewes went in with stylish, finer boned rams and vice versa. It made for a long day since […]

Vacation: Days 2 and 3

After the tractor pull on Friday night we followed my cousin and her husband in to Indiana. We had enjoyed the pull with them and had made plans to visit some friends together for the weekend. Our friends in Indiana moved there a couple years ago to join their family business, McCoy Dairy Farm. Brian […]

Vacation: Rough Start

We worked and worked and stayed up late on Thursday so we could get out of here Friday morning. We planned to leave by “10 or 11” and pulled out of the driveway at 11:05. Typical! We left separately, me with the horse trailer and a ewe we were going to drop off at the […]

Thoughts on Marriage after One Year

Can you believe it has been a year already!? That’s what Brian said to me this morning and he is right, this year just flew by. Lately, I’ve had a chance to take part in a lot of conversations with my friends about marriage. We all agree that we get so tired of everyone acting […]

Busy Day, We’re tired

So I may not have mentioned it yet but both Brian and I’s moms are moving or planning to move. Brian’s Mom has to be out of her house by the end of August. It isn’t as bad as it could be since she moved out of there and in with her husband quite a […]

County Fair Fun!

These pictures aren’t the greatest but I wanted to share all the fun things that happened last week at our county fair!