#09 is Trouble!…

Things are all under control now, but we had a not so fun experience with this calf last weekend. It was time get them out of their little pen inside and out on the green pasture. We worked on the fence for 2 days to get things fixed up for them.

2020 Goal Ideas: March Update

An update on which goal ideas for March 2020 I accomplished and which goals I didn’t hit for March 2020. I also have a free printable goals sheet for you!

Good Day For A Ride

Today was a great day for a horseback ride! After not riding at all yet this summer I went for a ride yesterday and today. It always seems like there are a million other things that should be done and it is a lot of work to hook up the trailer, pack up the saddle, […]

#09 is Trouble!

Things are all under control now, but we had a not so fun experience with this calf last weekend. It was time get them out of their little pen inside and out on the green pasture. We worked on the fence for 2 days to get things fixed up for them.


I just love it when people come to visit our farm. I hope people take me seriously when I invite them out because having visitors is one of my favorite things about living on the farm. Especially when the visits include children. I get a kick out of their reactions and how their eyes light […]

Our Winter in Pictures!

I’m away from home at the Michigan Vet Conference this weekend. I want to get a post up but don’t feel like saying a lot so I thought it would be a good time to post some pictures. These are all from the last few months (some are from fall). I’ll take advantage of the […]

Sunday Stroll

It feels good to be out strolling again today. It was still very cold as we’ve been getting storms all week but at least the winds died down and the sun came out. I couldn’t resist getting some more pictures of the horses while I was breaking their ice. The rest are mostly views from […]

Sunday Stroll

So today I went strollin’, and this is what I saw. The leaves are so thick you can’t see the grass in a lot of spots. I’ve still got some peas trying to grow in the garden. I don’t think they’lll make it much longer. Temps are supposed to be down to 27 tonight. Here’s […]