It’s All About Perspective

I found this picture awhile ago on the iPad. Kent took it from his car seat. We were parked in the Walmart parking lot. I think I was going over my grocery list. Seeing things from his perspective made quite an impression on me. I don’t often stop to consider what things look like through his eyes…
Preschool – Letter D

Kent was 39 months old. Colt was 15 months old.
Dolphin puzzles from Memorizing the Moments.
Tracing a page from a free Make Way for Ducklings page. We read the story; it’s on our Sonlight P 3/4 reading list…
Catching Up… February 2014

How did you fair this winter? I am DONE with winter, DONE I say! It was rough.
Budgeting for Children: Making the Dollars STRETCH!
As I mentioned yesterday, we adhere to a strict budget for children’s supplies and learning materials. Despite that, I never feel like Kent lacks for things he needs. Here are some ways we keep the costs to a minimum: Always, always read the reviews and do research before making a purchase. A cheap product is […]
Budgeting for Children: Learning Materials and Beyond
I’m not sure why but I feel led to write about this right now. We’ll see if Kent sleep schedule agrees. 😉 In my post about our Montessori Inspired Kitchen Setup I shared some of the products we’ve purchased for Kent to use. We are on a tight budget around here so it is important […]
Tot School Break and Milestones: August
Kent was 13 months old in August. We didn’t do much for structured Tot School in August and September. We had a lot of fun and did random activities as they fit in. His physical development exploded in August! If you think you see disposable diapers in some of these pictures you’re right. We had […]
Tot School Week #1: Blue
I have a few weeks of Tot School to post about so I can get caught up. We started with Color Themes. First up was Blue. Kent was 12 months old that week. Have you done Color Themes? Any must-do activities to share? What does your kid do with a Magna Doodle?
Moses’ Basket: Which to Buy, Is It Worth It?

I mentioned Kent’s Moses’ basket when I talked about my favorite nursing spot. A few of you had questions about it so here is the story on how we arrived on a Moses basket and how we decided which to buy. I wrote this post when we had our first baby. If you’d like to […]