Onion Confusion…

So, apparently I’ve been having a blond moment for the last several weeks now. I’ve been excited to collect seed from whatever garden plants I can. My onions sent up nice big flowers that now have thousands of seeds in them. I thought great, yippee, I get to save some onion seed. Ummm, no.
2020 Goal Ideas: March Update
An update on which goal ideas for March 2020 I accomplished and which goals I didn’t hit for March 2020. I also have a free printable goals sheet for you!
VLOG – Large Family Gardening (28 Weeks Pregnant)

This was the first “vlog” I ever shared! It starts with me really short of breath (who else gets like that when you’re pregnant!?) and then I go on to reminisce about life with one or two kids, and finally show you the garden and plant some cherry bushes…
Onion Confusion

So, apparently I’ve been having a blond moment for the last several weeks now. I’ve been excited to collect seed from whatever garden plants I can. My onions sent up nice big flowers that now have thousands of seeds in them. I thought great, yippee, I get to save some onion seed. Ummm, no.
Herbs and Our Front Porch
I picked up some herbs from two different places lately and finally planted them today. The planter boxes are something that my Dad was getting rid of. I think he made them from old deck lumber. I painted over the brown paint so they now match our porch. There were already drain holes drilled in […]
Canning Rhubarb, and more planting
I’m trying a new theory. Instead of eating within the seasons, how about preserving each season so I can have it all year long. Case in point: last year I made the heck out of rhubarb muffins for a couple months. I’ve been craving them for about 10 months now. I like to can as […]
Growing Challenge Check-In: Planting
My garden isn’t small but I didn’t have any room to plant corn. Our neighbor Jeff was kind enough to come by with his tractor and rototiller and make the above long strip of garden for me. It is between the pasture fence and the road. We had to put the fence far off the […]
Planting the Big Fields
Brian planted 40 acres of corn at the end of last week. Sunday we planted 25 or 30 acres of soybeans. Brian helps our neighbor farm in exchange for use of some his equipment. The planter he’s using in these pictures is a “no-till drill”. It actually cuts a path and sticks the seeds in […]
Planting Onions!
This should by no means be taken as a tutorial since I am planting onions this year for the very first time. I wasn’t even going to post about it until I saw that little paper bag sitting next to the freshly planted row and thought what a cute picture that would make. We don’t […]
My Take On Forward Contracting
This is a little more technical than most of my posts and refers to grain farming. Not sure how many readers raise grain but this is something I learned about that I’d like to share. So basically, we grow the corn, we take it to the elevator, and then we either sell it right away […]