Cut Off From the World

Okay, I don’t consider myself to be very high tech. I haven’t used my ipod in 6 months and I refuse to text message. However, today I felt so cut off from the world it was scary, and I was having major withdrawals. Our internet is only working off and on so if I’m missing […]

A Good Day

I’ve really been enjoying life this week. Here are some of the highlights: I fed the chickens in the rain and felt so proud and content standing in the rain watching them huddle together in the nice dry shelter that Brian and I built. They are getting big! I came in the house and appreciated […]

What Do You Want To Know?

I have quite a few future posts forming in my head, half of which I’ll probably forget before they are ever typed out. However, I feel like I’m posting about a lot of the same topics lately, especially now that spring is here and I have so many updates about the garden and the animals. […]


Lately I’m all about keeping things simply and easy to manage. If you read here regularly then you already know that. Despite my normally crafty ways, I am at a loss when it comes to how to store spices. The pic above shows my growing collection. I never had much trouble keeping salt, pepper, and […]

Joining Farm Bureau

This is another post I’ve been putting off just because I wanted to make it worthwhile. I still don’t have a lot of information to offer you but want to share our experience thus far. We went ahead and joined the bureau 2 weeks ago. We do not carry FB insurance and so joined as […]

How Do You Start Your Seedlings?

I am happy to be back to blogging after the holiday. I meant to leave a more upbeat post up over Christmas but have been having a lot of trouble with my internet connection and therefore gave up. I have some nice Christmas pics to post and I’d like to share what gifts we gave […]

If The Economy Is So Bad….?

If the economy is so bad, why is it so incredibly hard to find good service? My husband and I continue to be amazed at the crappy service we receive from businesses. I guess since things are “so bad” I would expect businesses to step it up a notch and do everything they can to […]

Breaking Bread

Unfortunately I’m not referring to socializing or dining when I say “breaking bread”. I’ve finally turned out two good batches of homemade bread and plan to stop buying the store bought stuff all together. There are a few problems though. First, my hubby noted that the bread, although soft, is very crumbly and therefore is […]