Freezer Cooking: Twin Meat Loaves…

This recipe comes from Farm Journal’s Country Cookbook. I got my copy from my Grandma’s basement and I love it. It really is appropriate for the way we are trying to live and generally avoids “add in seasoning packet” or “3 cups Bisquick”.
Freezer Cooking: Twin Meat Loaves

This recipe comes from Farm Journal’s Country Cookbook. I got my copy from my Grandma’s basement and I love it. It really is appropriate for the way we are trying to live and generally avoids “add in seasoning packet” or “3 cups Bisquick”.
Homemade, Last Minute, Cute, Kinda Green Christmas Cards!
Okay so this morning I started shopping around for Christmas cards online. I’ve done this many times in the past few months and always got discouraged because the recycled cards are sooo expensive. I was going to give up on that idea and instead created a cute card with some caricatures of my family on […]
Homemade Laundry Soap: Liquid
My Mom & I have been using this recipe for years now so I thought I would share it. It came from our local paper, author unknown. Liquid Laundry Soap Recipe: 3 pints water 1/3 bar Fels Naptha soap, grated 1/2 cup Super Washing Soda 1/2 cup borax 1 quart hot water 2 gallon bucket […]