Sunday Stroll: Garden Update

I have been taking a stroll around my yard every morning and evening lately. There is a lot of activity to keep up with! All of these pictures are from the garden today. I thought I would combine the garden update and Sunday Stroll this week to keep things simple. Plus, I have a lot […]

Sunday Stroll

This pear tree came through the winter just fine! Four new Heritage Raspberry canes. You can’t see it in the picture but they are getting little leaves. I think this is a flowering cherry tree. It is in the island between the driveways and gets these gorgeous blossoms every year. I have never found one […]

Sunday Stroll… Sort of

I just really didn’t feel like doing much today. Yesterday Brian cut up our old rabbit cage so I could have 2 pieces of plywood for our new farm sign. I painted them this morning. Then we went to breakfast with Brian’s Grandpa. I’m pretty sure he turned 93 this year! After breakfast I put […]

Sunday Stroll

Today I did some more painting around the windows and Brian took down the old trim in our entryway. I did venture outside long enough to take some pictures. It was over 40 again today so a lot of the snow melted away. The garden and the little red barn. I hope we can tear […]

Our Winter in Pictures!

I’m away from home at the Michigan Vet Conference this weekend. I want to get a post up but don’t feel like saying a lot so I thought it would be a good time to post some pictures. These are all from the last few months (some are from fall). I’ll take advantage of the […]

No Sunday Stroll

Well, I did my Sunday Stroll but cannot get my pictures to load. I have been having a lot of trouble with our internet connection. Look for a better post later!

Sunday Stroll

It feels good to be out strolling again today. It was still very cold as we’ve been getting storms all week but at least the winds died down and the sun came out. I couldn’t resist getting some more pictures of the horses while I was breaking their ice. The rest are mostly views from […]

Sunday Stroll

So today I went strollin’, and this is what I saw. The leaves are so thick you can’t see the grass in a lot of spots. I’ve still got some peas trying to grow in the garden. I don’t think they’lll make it much longer. Temps are supposed to be down to 27 tonight. Here’s […]