Tot School: Chick theme
Kent was 21 months old. I found so many cute chick activities while searching for Easter ideas! We raise a couple hundred chickens a year here, plus we have some laying hens wandering around. Our first batch of day-old chicks arrived on April 5th. We learned all about chicks and chickens that week! I picked […]
Tot School: Gray
Kent was 20 months old. Well… this will give me a chance to catch up on these posts. We hardly did anything for gray week! Or, maybe we did, but it’s all a blur and I didn’t take any pictures. Brian was off work for awhile with a wrist problem and I think gray week […]
Tot School: Brown
Kent was 20 months old. I spent a lot more time planning Brown week and it paid off. There was a bit of frustration on my part when he didn’t want to do some of the activities but I adjusted and we had fun. We did the matching cards a couple times. This was our […]
Tot School: Pink
Tot School: January (Purple and Color Review)
Kent was 18 months old. We kind of wandered through January. I tried to rotate the tot trays so that he had fun stuff to play with but I didn’t do a lot of planning or set any real goals. We spent some time on the color purple. At some point I realized that even […]
Tot School: Orange
We also colored his “Orange” page with crayons and played with his normal toys. Next time we’ll talk about GREEN week! 🙂 What learning activities are happening in your house?
Tot School Week #3: Yellow
What are you doing in your house to learn about colors? Or do you have suggestions for fun activities we should try?
Tot School Week #2: Red
Expect a couple more of these posts in quick succession as I’m still catching up. We continued our Color Themes with Red. Kent was 12 months old. What fun pre-writing activities does your child enjoy? This post is linked to the weekly Tot School link up at 1+1+1=1.
Tot School Week #1: Blue
I have a few weeks of Tot School to post about so I can get caught up. We started with Color Themes. First up was Blue. Kent was 12 months old that week. Have you done Color Themes? Any must-do activities to share? What does your kid do with a Magna Doodle?