Cowboy Blueberry Pie

I made this one with some of my home canned blueberry pie filling.  A neighbor invited me down for tea this morning so I took it with me.  It was delicious!  I think I’ll tweak the cookie cutter a little bit next time so it looks more like a boot.  I’ve tried to make good […]

My Best Pie Yet

I thought it was almost too beautiful to eat! We did eat it though and it tasted almost as good as it looked.  It was Strawberry Rhubarb.  I wanted to get the bags of strawberries and rhubarb out of the freezer so I made more strawberry jam and made up some pies to freeze.  I […]

How I Clean My Couch in 60 Seconds

This is part of Works for Me Wednesday. I picked up this handy “dog hair remover brush” at Walmart (eww) probably over a year ago.  With 4 dogs and a cat in the house I am always looking for alternatives to those disposable sticky rollers.  I really hit the jackpot with this one.  The label […]

Breakfast at the Farm

Last Sunday we had breakfast at the farm after church instead of going out to a restaurant.  I really enjoyed hosting!  My family is about an hour away so I’ve rarely had the chance to host anything.  I added an extra leaf (leave?) to the table an everything!  Funny thing about those flowers… I picked […]

Housekeeping Trouble Spots

Our house is gradually looking better for longer periods of time since I’ve settled in to a cleaning routine.  I still rarely make it through the week without missing at least one scheduled day of cleaning but things still look pretty good.  However, I have noticed there are a few areas of our home that […]

Oprah’s Debt Diet: I’m Not Impressed

Yesterday happened to be my short day at work and I made a point to be home in time for Oprah’s Debt Diet (Part 4, I think).  I generally like Oprah and was curious to see what her plan was all about.  She has the ability to influence a great number of people so I […]

Fried Eggs

Had a nice time outside tonight… fed the horses, weeded in the garden for awhile, went out and did chores.  I gathered the eggs and put them in the front pockets of my scrub top.  I was just finishing up and grabbed for the chain to close the gate.  Little did I realize that when […]

Courtesy of Brian

Brian called from the barn to say that if I wanted a good Sunday Stroll picture I should go out on the porch… stunning. Too see who else is strolling today visit Quiet Country House.