Planting Potatoes

I planted my potatoes last weekend, so the second weekend in April.  This year I planted some in pots versus in the ground.  I’m hoping this method will make it easier to avoid or minimize a blight outbreak if one comes our way.  Portable pots will fit in the garden better too.  If nothing else, […]

So Much… and Nothing!

There is so much going on!  Not that I’m really busy.  I’m just dabbling in a lot of things.  I keep thinking I should totally do a post about this and this and this and yet when I sit down at the computer I enjoy reading everyone else’s blogs instead.  Plus, I’m following Dancing With […]

Playin’ in the Dirt

First, thanks for sticking with me through my venting the other day.  A girl can only take so much and I just couldn’t muster up a real post right then.  Right now we’re no closer to a diagnosis.  I’m going to take some samples and send them to MSU this week so I’ll keep you […]


I’m seriously starting to wonder if we should just cull our entire flock of sheep and start fresh.  I may be only half serious but it’s not the first time I’ve had this thought.  The footrot was not a big deal and has completely resolved as far as I can see.  The lamb losses this […]

Sheep Doctorin’: Lamb Aural Hematoma

Aural Hematoma in Newborn Lamb When we finally had a set a twins thrive and stay alive this spring we were thrilled.  We checked them over for all the basic problems: no umbilical hernia, no cleft palates, no parrot mouth, no inverted eyelashes.  I thought we were good to go.  After a day or two […]

Sheep Doctorin’: Suspected Footrot

In the nearly two years that we’ve had sheep we’ve had a few issues arise.  This year a few things came up that I called the vet about.  By calling the vet I expected to bite the bullet and have a big farm call to pay.  Instead, he told me what he would try if […]

Menu Plan Monday (2 week)

Today: Shredded BBQ Chicken sandwiches (for Brian) T: Mama’s Supper Club tilapia parmesan w/ homemade creamy garlic shells W: Grillin’ Beans (for Brian), veggies (for me), and homemade cornbread R: Homemade chicken strips w/ salvaged hashbrowns F: Homemade pizza & breadsticks (Loved that last recipe, using it again) S: Eating at my Mom’s for Easter? […]

Gardening Questions

As I start making plans for this year’s garden I need a little help.  In an effort to be all naturale I have pretty much done nothing to help my plants grow beside plant them and mulch them to control weeds.  We do spread compost on the garden but I have never used any supplements […]

Doing Instead of Planning

Ahh, and so we shift gears.  Up until today it has been plan, prepare, design, print, mail, pour over catalogs, etc., etc.  Today the real work began.  We’ve now entered the time of year where we get busy doing all the things we’ve been talking about.  Why did things change today?  Because the first 100 […]

Thrift Store Finds and New Do

So I got my hair cut.  A LOT.  It was down to my lower back.  I donated it to Locks for Love.  I also had it colored to cover up my old highlights.  Turns out my roots are a lot darker then I thought but I really like it!  Brian likes it too because I’ve […]