Salvaging Your Sprouting Storage Potatoes
Up until a few days ago we had 3 baskets of potatoes in our basement. It’s not pitch black down there but it is pretty dark. No matter, the potatoes sprouted awhile back. I put a few lids from rubbermaid containers over them but they pushed the lids up, up, and up, about a foot […]
2 Week Menu Plan
Monday: grilled cheese & chips Tuesday: chicken on grill & noodles Wednesday: Parmesan crusted fish fillets & garlic pasta Thursday: chicken patties & homemade mac & cheese Friday: roast in the crockpot Saturday: homemade pizza & garlic bread (trying a new dough recipe) Sunday: leftovers M: hamburgers & hot dogs on the grill & chips […]
Recent Pictures
Maci after playing in the mud Johnny chewing on a stick Buster the bunny Did you know we raised zebras? 😉 The first batch of chicks from the incubator just moved out to the barn Two hens sharing a nest box Baxter playing with our friend’s little boy June, she’s a heartbreaker, can you tell?
Good news… again!
This made me laugh… Last night: Brian and I stand in the barn, checking out the 3 ewes that have yet to lamb. We agree that she (Angel) is definitely pregnant and so is she (Bonnie). The ewe lamb, born here last year, well we just aren’t sure. Hopefully she is, we’ll see. She’s not […]
Good News!
We had twins born yesterday and guess what… they’re still alive!!! Yahoo!! So let’s hope the deaths were just a long string of coincidences or at least that the problem has run it’s course. Baby Joy is growing up so fast, she was smaller than the new twins when she was born but has really […]
So much has happened, where to start! Went to the conference, had fun. It was the Farm Bureau Young Farmer’s Conference. The whole weekend was pretty much based on farmers defending themselves against all the bad media about our food supply. I was nodding my head agreeing one minute and feeling very frustrated the next, […]
Have a Good Weekend!
Just popping in to say we’re going away for the weekend so I may or may not be around for the next few days. We’re taking the laptop so we’ll see if I use it much. In an effort to sleep better and quit stressing out so much I’ve left the computer in the kitchen […]
My Seed Starting Schedule
I put together a rough schedule based on last spring’s weather and what I plan to grow. To start indoors: Tomatoes start 4/1 plant out by 6/1 Eggplant start 4/1 out by 6/1 (or dc 6/1) Cukes start 5/1 out by 6/1 (or dc 6/1) Pumpkins start 5/8 out by 6/1 (or direct seed 6/1) […]
Broiler Chicken Schedule & February Goals
I made a list of things I need to accomplish this month. I think I’m going to make a habit of setting goals every month instead of making one big list for the entire year. Here’s what’s on the list this month: Finish the newsletter and sent it to the printer Order broiler chicks Order […]
The Highlights
For those who blog, do you find yourself thinking “oh, I could blog about this…and this…and this” throughout the day? I do that a lot. Especially, for some reason, when I have a bad day. I think it’s because bad days around the farm are usually so ridiculous they’re almost funny. I’d like to think […]