Our First Lamb of 2010

Molly was the first one to deliver!  I found her already finished with labor on Monday morning.  She had twins but unfortunately the boy was stillborn.  I found him cold with the membranes still covering his nose so I’m sure he never took a breath.  The little girl was all cleaned off and curled up […]

A Beautiful Sight

For those of you looking for a sunrise panorama or something else stunning, you’re going to be disappointed… This, my friends, is truly a beautiful sight to me.  Why, you might ask.  Because… don’t you see that nice new outlet that both the toaster AND the coffee pot are plugged in to?  I used to […]

Thinking About A New Blog

This is something I’ve been considering for a few days so I thought I’d throw it out there and see what you guys think.  I’m thinking about starting another blog about my relationship with God and my quest to become a better Christian.  Normally, I’m not a big fan of having multiple blogs.  I don’t […]

Umm, God…

I’m not sure I can handle five… …if you say I can I’ll try but I’m really not sure.

Once A Year…

You should check your credit report.  It is now free to view your credit report one time each year.  There are three different credit bureaus that report on everyone.  You’ll want to view all three reports, or you should.  Since we can only view the reports one time per year I print ours’ and keep […]

Slave to… your job?

Dave Ramsey fans are familiar with the saying, “The borrower is slave to the lender”.  To me that paints a picture of a man hunched over pulling on chains and heavy weights.  I don’t often feel like that. I’m not lying when I say I love my life.  Sure, a lot of days I’m frazzled […]

Menu Plan Monday

You know something works when your husband asks you to do it, i.e. Brian has been saying all week, “Will you plllleassee make a menu plan!?”  He likes it because he gets home first and it helps to get dinner going.  So here goes… this time I made up the plan for part of next […]

Chick Pics and Setting More

The chicks are doing great.  I moved them to the brooder after about 38 hours in the bator (for the oldest ones).  They are super vigorous and healthy, I am thrilled! I don’t know if you can see it in the pics at all but they are already getting some little feather on the tips […]

We’ve Got Chicks!

I’m sorry the picture quality is so poor – it’s hard to get good pictures inside the incubator.  Yesterday 4 eggs had pipped before I went to bed.  Pipping is when they peck at the inside of the shell a bit and you can see a crack in that spot.  Brian got called in to […]

I’m still here, and a list of excuses

They’re not really excuses I guess,  just the truth about what’s been taking up all my time lately! 🙂 My routine is all messed up. I usually get up a little before 7, clean the house  and do my general housework until about 8:30 or so, eat breakfast while blogging, then do chores and go […]