A Birthday to Remember

I turned 27 on the 9th.  Where does time go!? We celebrated with a picnic at the park. We were approaching another financial milestone and things worked out just right us to hit it on my birthday. By the grace of God we transferred the last few dollars and now have a FULLY FUNDED emergency […]

Tot School: What’s Next?

Our Tot School journey started with lots of lots of research. We kicked off with color themes when he was 12 months old. We had more fun with our St. Patrick’s Day theme than with any other to date. We took a break from colors to welcome Spring and celebrate Easter. We ended our color […]

Horses Small World Play (and keeping it real…)

I love seeing Kent use his imagination and I’m fascinated with all the small world play ideas on the web. I have been trying harder to facilitate his imaginative play. Recently one of our tot trays was a square made out of Lincoln logs. For rectangle week I added some longer logs and horses from […]

Watercolor Squirt Bottles

Since becoming aware that clipping was difficult for Kent I have been on the lookout for new ways to strengthen his little hand muscles. These little squirt bottles turned out to be a great way to do just that. I bought mine from the vet clinic but similar ones are available on Amazon. I let […]

Shape Milk Caps

Kent was 24 months old. We did some Triangle activities the week of June 9-15 but somehow I can’t find any pictures! After that I was consumed with the thought that baby could come any time and Kent was spending a lot of time with his Dad. So, we didn’t do much Tot School for […]

On My Due Date…

… I finished these burp cloths. 🙂 I made 20, 4 of each pattern.  They are sewn with flat diapers and a little bit of flannel for decoration.  I followed this tutorial on YouTube.  We used white prefolds for Kent but he has been using them to wipe up spills on the floor for the […]

On Break to Plan!

We’re here and doing well!  Brian has been in the fields a lot for Spring planting and Kent is enjoyed riding along every chance he gets.  I’ve had more time at home alone than normal.  So, I took a break from Tot School to map out plans for the next several months.  We’ll be kicking […]

Tot School: Chick theme

Kent was 21 months old. I found so many cute chick activities while searching for Easter ideas!  We raise a couple hundred chickens a year here, plus we have some laying hens wandering around.  Our first batch of day-old chicks arrived on April 5th.  We learned all about chicks and chickens that week! I picked […]

Resurrection Eggs for Toddlers using The Beginner’s Bible

For pictures of these activities please see our Easter post. After venting about the lack of truly Easter related “Easter” activities on the web I received several suggestions to try Resurrection Eggs. There are some commercial versions available for purchase but a quick google search pulled up several DIY editions, too. My biggest concern was […]

Kent’s Birthday Present

We have the perfect birthday present on order for Kent!  His birthday isn’t until July but you know us, we like to plan ahead! The exact specifications are unavailable at this time, and despite having some pictures we’re told that the item may vary a bit from the description. The estimated arrival date is July […]