Baking Day 2/6/10
I tried two new recipes, both courtesy of Pinterest: Totally Addictive Cornbread from Chocolate-Covered Katie I like the taste. I followed the recipe pretty much exactly except I always add maple syrup to my cornbread. I pour the batter in the pan and then drizzle it heavily with the syrup. Once baked it has some […]
Wordless Wednesday: Around Here…
Around here, Spring sounds like laughter…
A Peaceful Feeling
Found this is my drafts from 10/11/2009. Funny that I could have written it today, except that part about having kids someday! Forgive me but I might get a little sentimental here for a minute… I’ve spent the weekend canning, again. I’ve stayed up late peeling and dicing and waiting for water to boil, again. […]
Found this is my drafts from 5/5/2009… so almost 3 years ago. New thoughts at the end. I had a different post planned for today but this seems to fit. To put it frankly, I had a less than great weekend. Brian got some things done but I didn’t accomplish much. The horse got out […]
Heaven at Home by Ginger Plowman
A review of sorts, for Heaven at Home by Ginger Plowman. Some days I really blow it. Today was one of those days. I was crabby and snappy and really resentful towards Brian. The details really don’t matter, and it doesn’t matter how I justify it. Let’s just say I let my temper get the […]
Menu Plan Monday: Week of 1/9/12
Can you tell I’m cleaning out my drafts? Weird that THIS was never published… M: Spaghetti + semi-homemade garlic bread T: Homegrown chicken in crockpot + homegrown over fried redskin potatoes W: Freezer burritos R: Local pork chops + leftover potatoes F: Homemade pizza + breadsticks S: Leftovers S: Soup in crockpot – recipe TBD […]
Update (Old – from Dec. 1st)
Found this in my drafts from Dec. 1st, 2011. Where to begin!? My normal life and routine have been put on hold for the last several weeks. I painted our office which meant letting my house go for a week and a half and painting, painting, painting, during nap times and when Kent was in […]
Quick Tip for Teething
This isn’t genius but Kent has been teething for months and this is the first time I thought of it so in case you didn’t think of it either… Knitted washcloth + water + 5 minutes in the freezer = a great teether! It is cheap, homemade, and not plastic! I’m going to keep […]
Menu Plan Monday: Week of 1/9/12
M: Spaghetti + semi-homemade garlic bread T: Homegrown chicken in crockpot + homegrown over fried redskin potatoes W: Freezer burritos R: Local pork chops + leftover potatoes F: Homemade pizza + breadsticks S: Leftovers S: Soup in crockpot – recipe TBD Feeding Kent what we eat is making me take a serious look at our […]
The Gentleness Challenge – I’m in!
Kent is only 6 months old and sometimes I already grit my teeth to keep from crabbing at him. This challenge could probably do us all some good!