
Where to begin!?  My normal life and routine have been put on hold for the last several weeks.  I painted our office which meant letting my house go for a week and a half and painting, painting, painting, during nap times and when Kent was in the mood to play on his own.  The painting […]

Baby Shower Pictures: Farm Theme

Even though the shower was 6 months ago I saw this post today and wanted to link up and show how wonderful the decorations were at my shower.  It was great! The cake was made to match the invitations which I got as a print your own customized .pdf file here.  I highly recommend the […]

Baby’s Place on the Farm

I’m guest posting today over at my friend Abbie’s blog, Farmer’s Daughter. I am a farmer’s wife.  That means I have to do the things a farmer’s wife does: Feed cows.  Herd sheep.  Collect eggs.  Garden and can.  Drive tractors and bale hay.  Run dear farmer husband to and fro.  Pick up feed. This year […]

Bedside Breastfeeding Station Checklist

When I was pregnant I saw mention here and there of setting up a little bedside breastfeeding station with snacks and magazines.  I never came across a comprehensive list to help me set one up.  I thought it might be nice to have a list here for my own reference and for all my pregnant […]

Sheep Doctorin’: Abscesses

I found this in my drafts from March 29, 2010!!!  Time to get it out of there. Abscesses Every once in awhile our sheep will develop an abscess.  We’ve actually had two ewes develop them on the side of their neck recently.  I’m still looking in to that a little more to see if there […]

Farm Junkyard

I’ve decided I’m just calling it the junkyard.  The area out back behind the shed and shop was everybody’s dumping ground before we bought this place.  Brian always comments when we find things that his family took to get rid of for him:  they didn’t take anything very far, and then we got it all […]

Foto Friday Challenge: Silhouette

I’ve always wanted to participate in Foto Fridays over at Renaissance but it hasn’t ever worked out until now.  I saw this last night and just had to catch it so I could share. Our friend came and held the baby so I started weeding the potatoes while we visited.  Brian joined in and with […]

Here’s Your Nudge…

If you’re like me, you intend to get in the Bible more regularly.  It sounds so nice in theory:  sipping on your morning coffee tea while reading a passage and mulling it over.  Quiet words with God.  Starting your day with a fresh perspective and the reassurance that comes with knowing He is there at […]

Still here…

Just popping in to say I’m still here.  I’m still doing my baking day and working out the kinks in my routine.  I’ve been taking lots of pictures so if I get the chance to update I’ll have things to share.  We had the last of our meat chickens processed this week so I’ve been […]

Baking Day 8/1/11

In keeping with my newly expanded routine I spent a lot of yesterday in the kitchen. What I did: 1 batch of Silky Chocolate Pudding 1 batch of Homemade Vanilla Pudding  (She also has an excellent tutorial on How to Make Homemade Pudding) 4 batches of Freezer Macaroni & Cheese The puddings are both absolutely […]