What I’ve Been Doing
I’ve been a little aloof lately and I apologize. It is one of those times where I want to post about everything but never get around to posting any of it. I spent a lot of the weekend making invitations for my cousin’s baby shower. I made the cutest ones to tie in with our […]
Growing Challenge Check-In: Planting
My garden isn’t small but I didn’t have any room to plant corn. Our neighbor Jeff was kind enough to come by with his tractor and rototiller and make the above long strip of garden for me. It is between the pasture fence and the road. We had to put the fence far off the […]
Sunday Stroll: Garden Update
I have been taking a stroll around my yard every morning and evening lately. There is a lot of activity to keep up with! All of these pictures are from the garden today. I thought I would combine the garden update and Sunday Stroll this week to keep things simple. Plus, I have a lot […]
Growing Challenge Check In
Here’s what I’m growing so far: Seedlings under light:Amish Paste TomatoesGreen Zebra TomatoesWaltham 29 BroccoliPing Tung EggplantLong Purple Eggplant In the garden:Red pioneer potatoes- 10# – plantedRed onions – 2-3″ tallDwarf GreySugar Peas (hybrid) – 1 20′ row – just upAsparagus – up and growingBlack seeded simpson lettuce – 1 20′ row – some upBlack […]
Farm Update
I’m still here! Haven’t posted much this week due to the time change (I think!). I seem to be stuck in my old schedule and going to bed much later which means I’ve been dragging and tired all week. We’ve also been pretty busy, so I thought I’d fill you in with what we’ve been […]
Git ‘Er Done Update
I got quite a bit done during the week to make up for not doing much last weekend. We had a nice day where I opened up all the windows and stained a new batch of trim in the basement. Then I took advantage of the nice weather this weekend and took all that trim […]
Git ‘Er Done 2009
As many of you know, Brian & I bought his family’s farm around Labor Day of 2007. We’ve been working on the house and yard since the early spring of that year, even before we bought it. Things are far from finished as we start 2009, and I don’t want to deal with this again […]
Checking In
I’m still here, I promise! 🙂 I’ve been a little busy this week but will have a more substantial post up soon. Work for me has been very busy this week due to the schools’ mid-winter breaks. Brian isn’t feeling the best, and last weekend was full of things to do as well. I have […]
Our 1st Farm Truck
I try to plan for big purchases. This year it was going to be a toss-up between a loader for the JD 4010 (or a separate loader tractor) or a farm truck. Brian found a pretty decent farm truck for sale nearby and we were planning to test drive it this spring. It is the […]
Farm Update
No particular topic today, just thought I’d fill in with the latest happenings in our life. I thought this blog would be more of a day to day journal of the farm but it seems like every time I sit down to type I feel the need to find a specific topic. Well, not today. […]