Catching Up… February 2014

How did you fair this winter? I am DONE with winter, DONE I say! It was rough.
Weird/Bad Dreams
I have really weird, and usually scary, dreams several times a month. Brian says I’m crazy but I blame it on watching too much America’s Most Wanted as a child. Watching CSI in recent years probably doesn’t help either. Last night we went to the snowmobile races. Several of our friends were racing and it […]
Our Winter in Pictures!
I’m away from home at the Michigan Vet Conference this weekend. I want to get a post up but don’t feel like saying a lot so I thought it would be a good time to post some pictures. These are all from the last few months (some are from fall). I’ll take advantage of the […]
Respect on the Road
It sure is time to cuddle up and settle in around here. We’ve had one blizzard after another and it is still snowing. Friday was so bad that a lot of businesses in town closed. The other girls at work left early and so did I. Blizzards like this affect our household a lot because […]